Interview Questions


Maven Interview Questions


1. Explain Maven Build Lifecycle?

2. What is convention over configuration. How does maven use it?

3. What are the phases of Build Life cycle and Clean life cycle? What happens in each phase?

4. Explain maven dependency

5. When does maven use external dependency?

6. What is Build profile and what are the different types of Build Profile?

7. What are the different types of Maven Repositories? (or) they may ask difference between types of maven repositories

8. what is the sequence in which maven search for dependencies?

9. What is the difference between snapshot and version in maven?

10. What is system dependency and transitive dependency in Maven?

11. How profiles are specified in maven?

12. Explain about all the dependency scopes in Maven

GIT Interview Questions


1. What is the difference between GIT and SVN?

2. Advantages of using GIT?

3. What is STAGING area and INDEX in GIT?

4. What is the difference between GIT PUSH and COMMIT? When they are used?

5. What is GIT STASH?

6. How do you create a branch in GIT?

7. How do you merge code from branch to master in GIT?

8. How do you confirm if GIT branch has merged into master?

9. What is HEAD in GIT? How many HEADS you can create in GIT?

10. What does "git config" do?

11. Learn about all the commands in GIT. Interviewer may ask indirectly about how can u acheive one scenario. You should be able to tell him the command to use.

12. What is the purpose of branching in GIT? What is the common branching pattern in GIT?

13. How can u resolve conflict in GIT? Interviewer may also ask you to explain one scenario how you resolved conflicts in GIT in your current project.

SVN Interview Questions


1. Difference between GIT and SVN repository?

2. What all things we can store in SVN repository?

3. Difference between "svn import", "svn add" and "svn commit" ?

4. What is the difference between "svn export", "svn checkout" ?

5. What is the difference between "svn update and "svn commit" ?

6. What is the command to see what is inside the svn repository?

7. How can you revert to previous version in SVN?

8. Best prctices of SVN

9. How can u resolve conflict in SVN? Interviewer may also ask you to explain one scenario how you resolved conflicts in SVN in your current project. 

10. How can see the difference between the local version and repository version of files in SVN?

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